
Monday, March 4, 2013

March Fitness Challenge Photos

Hello peeps! I hope you had a great weekend! Too bad it's Monday already and I'm heading to work! And bummer, more snow is expected too. I WANT SPRING! So, how many of you are doing the March Fitness Challenge? I started on Saturday, today is my second day! (if you haven't joined yet, you still have time! Click here for the details!)Those V-Ups are a killer! I figured I would show you the exact move you should be doing for each exercise as well as a few Trainer Tips.
My friend, motivator and trainer Linsey was kind enough to help me out with these pictures as well as the Trainer Tips. Linsey is amazing. I met Linsey at the Y where I workout. She is a trainer and fitness instructor at the Y. She is a mix of Bob and Jillian from the Biggest Loser--and I love that about her! She is energetic, fun and silly. She makes every class worth attending. For me, she is a great motivator because she cares about your goals and knows when to push and when to lay-off. And I love that she knows where I'm coming from. She has fought the fight to be fit). Have I mentioned that she is amazing? Anyways, on to the pictures...

On all moves, remember: chin off the chest, keep core engaged with belly button pulled towards spine, and shoulders down and out of the ears.

Scissor Kicks
Trainer Tips:
To help support lower back, hand can be placed to the side and slightly under hips. To advance move, pull shoulder blades up off of the floor in crunch position with chin off of the chest.

scissor kicks

scissor kicks

Trainer Tips:
Fingertips placed behind the head, not interlocking to refrain from putting extra strain on the neck. Elbows should be wide at all times. Drive up with the core/chest to pull shoulder blades off of the floor.
bicycle starting position

bicycle crunch

Toe Touches
Trainer Tips:Keep chin off the chest.

toe touches starting position

toe touch crunch

Double Crunches
Trainer Tips: Remember to keep chin off of chest. Fingertips only to back of head, never interlocking to refrain from putting extra strain on neck. Feet flexed, and tucked towards bottom.
double crunch

double crunch

V-Ups (or Jack Knife)
Trainer Tips: Move shown is advanced with legs straight.  If move is to difficult to begin then start with bent knee and graduate to straight leg. Also, a side note that if existing shoulder issue exists, complete arm movement as a chest press vs. a pullover. Chin off of chest always.
v-up of jack knife

v-up or jack knife

Trainer Tip: If doing bridge position from forearms ensure the elbow is directly under the shoulder. Head and neck are in alignment with spine, looking towards the floor. In high position wrists should be positioned directly under the shoulder. Head and neck in line, neutral with the spine.
plank beginner

plank on forearms

planks on hands

Thank you Linsey (isn't she the cutest?) for squeezing in time for this photo shoot so I could provide my readers the proper technique! If you have any questions, post a comment and I'll be sure to have Linsey answer them for you!


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