
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Super Simple Coach Gifts!

We've hit sports season full swing in our household. Thankfully, one of those sports has ended and we are back to a manageable schedule (sorta!). Hailey finished up her volleyball season at the local YMCA two weekends ago, but her Pizza Party was this past week. Unfortunately, it landed on the same night as a soccer game, so she was unable to go. We quickly stopped by the party on our way to the game to present her coach with a little gift. He was a great coach and really encouraged her to move forward with volleyball. It was a great season!

I framed this volleyball subway art that I created. To PRINT, right click, select SAVE PICTURE AS and download to your desired folder. Print on 8 1/2 x 11 cardstock paper. I cut mine down to fit into a 5x7 picture frame. 

Volleyball Subway Art printable

Volleyball Coach Gift Idea

I then made a customized candy wrapper for him.
Volleyball Coach Candy Bar Wrapper Volleyball Coach Candy Wrapper
They are simple gifts, but at least he knows we appreciate what he did for the girls! Now, I'm off to run in the 5k Color Vibe run with a few friends! I'll post pictures later on Instagram--come check them out!

1 comment:

  1. Great gift ideas! Sometimes simple is BEST.
    I'm a new follower via bloglovin. =0)


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