
Monday, February 10, 2014

Super Easy Valentines

With Valentine's Day quickly approaching, I thought I would show you the easy Valentine's we put together for Carson's classroom party. These are great for boys and girls and were super cheap, too!

Crazy & Kool Valentine's with Free Printable

Crazy & Kool Valentines

Supplies needed:
Crazy Straws (I found these at Wal-Mart for $.97 for 6)
Drink Pouches (at Wal-Mart for $1 for 8)
Free Crazylou Printable
Hole Punch

Print out the FREE printable.
Cut out shape.
Hole punch two holes on the printable for straw to go through.
Take the drink pouch and put it in the "crazy" part of the straw.
Slide the printable tag onto the straw.
Give to your favorite Valentine!

Crazy & Kool FREE Valentine Printable
These took me less than an hour to put together (with limited help from Carson)! I love that it isn't candy, too. I get worried with the children that have food allergies--at least with this, even if they have a food dye allergy, they can enjoy the straw!

Find me on Facebook!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Where have I been?

Thank you to the kind readers that have reached out to me over the past month wondering where I've been. 

I'm sorry. Life happened. That's really the only explanation I have.

I'm fully committed to my new project with Nerium International and my focus was on building my business. It's been an exciting few months!

Kids sports are in full force. Hailey is in club volleyball and Carson is in basketball.

I actually had projects at my full-time job.

I started a fitness boot-camp.

My blog is my hobby. I don't make a lot of money doing this, but I have passion for it.

Sometimes hobbies need to take a break so that life doesn't get overwhelming.

I finally realized I can't do it all.

But, at the same time, I realized that if I didn't change what I was doing, nothing in my life would change.

I took a risk. It's taking off. I'm becoming a happier person. I'm a better wife, mother, sister and friend. This quote I found, truly sums it up for me.

Great People Do Things Before They're Ready Quote

For those of you that stuck around, thank you.

I'm going to make an effort to get on a posting schedule again. 

I've missed my blog and thought about it daily. But I didn't want to post something unless it was good content to share. I shouldn't post just to post.

I look forward to making 2014 a historic year in my life. And I hope you continue to go along with me on this ride.