
Friday, November 9, 2012

10 Ways to Recycle Gum Containers

Happy Friday! I'm so excited for the weekend! I've got a couple college girlfriends coming into town tomorrow and I'm beyond excited! We are going out for a nice dinner and then gossiping until the late hours of the night! On Sunday we are heading into the Suburbs for some gal-pal shopping! Before I have my crazy-fun weekend, I thought I'd share with you some cool idea I had (I hope its original anyways!)! Some time ago I had finished up a pack of gum that comes in one of those large containers (BIG E PAK) and it occurred to me that I could use those handy things instead of tossing them in the recycling bin. I gathered a few of them over the course of a month and set out to brainstorm on what I could do with them. TADA! The light bulb went off!

Here are 10 ways I use them in my home/car:
1.    Jewelry for the gym bag
2.    Confetti (if you have extra’s laying
      around like I do)
3.    Buttons
4.    Safety Pins
5.    Hair Ties & Bobby Pins (I keep
      this in my car because it never
      fails that we need one on the way
      to practice or gym!)
6.    Coins (again, I keep this in the car
      for spare change)
7.    Paper Clips
8.    Rubber Bands
9.    Miscellaneous Crafty Things
10. Stick Pins/Thumbtacks
I even spiced up my Jewelry container with Washi Tape! And I’m considering adding some cool Duct Tape to the Hair Tie one in the car! (that is whenever I can find my daughter’s stash of cool Duct Tape!) Have a great weekend! I'll see you back here on Monday--for Grateful Monday!
Drop me a note and tell me how you would you use these in your life!



  1. Great idea, thanks for sharing!

    P.S. I’m doing a $50 Shabby Apple giveaway on my blog. You should check it out here:

  2. Very creative; some containers are meant to be reused! :) Thanks for sharing this on Saturday Show & Tell on Cheerios and Lattes this week! We love having you join us! Have a great week!
    Mackenzie :)

    1. I agree! Thank you for hosting a great party! I'll see you soon!


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