
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Let's Talk Turkey (Napkin Rings!)

Today marks a very exciting day for me--I am officially the new Arts & Crafts contributor for! Wahoo! RockfordParent is a great resource for well, Rockford area parents. It has a great Get Inspired section, an Arts & Crafts section, and a Recipe of the month which is featured by Sylvia from Sylvia's Kitchen. You'll also find a Bookworms Section with great books for kids that are recommended by the Rockford Public Library. Each of the sections are updated at the beginning of every month. You can also keep up-to-date throughout the month via their Facebook Page. If you live in the Rockford Area, you need to check out this website and/or their Facebook page. You'll find some part of it a helpful resource for you!

This is what I featured this month, my debut! I think it's perfect for the Thanksgiving Table and something that the kiddo's will enjoy creating.

Thanksgiving Turkey Napkin Rings

·        Flat wooden craft spoons
·        craft paints
·        Paper towel or toilet paper tube
·        Scissors
·        Yellow pipe cleaners
·        Eyes or  Black marker
·        Tacky glue
·        Red felt

1.     Five craft spoons are required for each ring. Using craft paint, paint one of them yellow for the turkey's head, the others, a variety of colors—we used green, orange and blue—these will be the tail feathers.
2.     For the turkey's body, cut a 2-inch section from a cardboard paper towel or toilet paper tube and paint it brown.
3.     From yellow pipe cleaners, shape a pair of short legs with three-toed turkey feet. Cut small holes in the tubes and fit the legs through small holes, bending the tips inside the tube to secure them.
4.     Use tacky glue to attach the eyes or simply use a marker to draw eyes on the face.  Use tacky glue to attach a red felt wattle.
5.     Finally, glue the head to the front of the body and the tail feathers to the back.
6.     Allow to dry approximately 1 hour before using.
7.     Roll up a paper or cloth napkin and set at each table setting.

 Isn't he adorable?!

This is what the table setting could look like for the big feast!

  My son and I had fun putting this craft together! Can't wait to use them on our table in a few weeks! 



  1. OMG - super cute! What a fun kid's craft! Thanks for linking up to the Keep Calm and Link Up! Hope to see you back next week!

  2. Hi! Visiting from tt&j! Oh my these are stinkin adorable!! What a fun craft.

    If you get a chance I would love for you to share this at my Friday link party!

    1. Thanks Kelley--I'll look into it! Thanks for stopping over.


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