
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tasty Tuesday--Chicken Caesar Salad Sammies

I had another DUH moment last week--I'm starting to worry myself, seriously--I mean, how many can we have before we hit 40??!! Well, whenever I take a trip to Sam's Club, I always buy a rotisserie chicken--they are delicious, huge and only $5! Plus, you can use it for so many things! We are a busy family and the sports season is beginning already. One kid is in volleyball and the other is starting baseball soon, so quick dinners are a must! This took less than 15 minutes to assemble, thanks to the help of Sam's Club's rostisserie chicken!

If you love Caesar Salad (I do!), this is a perfect meal when you don't necessarily feel like just eating a salad. You could even make this into a wrap (which I suggested to the kids, but was shot down!). And even if you didn't care for Caesar dressing, Ranch or Zesty Italian would work too! My mouth waters just looking at the picture and remembing this sammie!
Chicken Caesar Salad Sandwhich

Chicken Caesar Salad Sammies


1-2 cups shredded chicken (depends on how many sammies you make)
Shredded Romaine Lettuce--per taste
Caesar Dressing (we love Ken's Lite Caesar Dressing--its not the creamy kind)--per taste
Shredded Parmesan Cheese--per taste
Croutons (ours are homemade--so easy and delicious)--per taste
Ciabbata Rolls or tortilla wraps


In a large bowl, combine all ingredients until it looks like a good balance of salad vs. chicken. I just eye-balled the amounts according to our families tastes. Spoon (or pile) on sliced Ciabbata Rolls. Seriously easy. Extremely delicious!

My kids gave this 2 thumbs up and told me we needed to have it again real soon! So, what are your favorite recipes for rotisserie chicken?



  1. These look absolutely delicious. I am pinning!

    Visiting from Dukes and Duchesses Project Inspired.

  2. Caesar salad on a sammie!? Yum! Great idea!

  3. Thanks so much for joining me at Two-Cup Tuesday at Pint Sized Baker. Pinned it! I hope to see ya again tomorrow night.

    1. Thanks for hosting! And thanks for stopping by to say hello!

  4. I featured you today! Thanks for sharing your amazing recipe at Project Inspired!! I pinned your recipe to our group linky party pinboard and my features pinboard and am sharing it on facebook, google plus and twitter!

    1. So excited!! Thank you so much! Love Project Inspire{d}!

  5. How delicious!! :) I need to try this!

    Thanks for linking up at the Link Up this week! :)

  6. These look delish! Must try! :)

    1. Let me know what you think! We loved them!


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