
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Happy 15th Anniversary

Today I am celebrating with the love of my life, Darren.

We've been married for 15 years, although we've been together for closer to 25!

We celebrated our anniversary last month with a mini-trip to Paris. We left our England vacation for 3 days for a romantic vacation for two in Paris. (good planning on our part!)

I can't wait to share more about your Paris trip, but here are a few pictures and alittle more about our relationship:


15 Facts about Cindy & Darren
  1. We met in high school. He was in the science room, wearing a red polo and white washed jeans (probably tight rolled, too!)
  2. Our first date was supposed to be a double date, but his best friend backed out at the last minute.
  3. We went "dutch" on that first date, but I actually paid for more than I was supposed to--which taught me a very important lesson (always bring more cash than you think you may need).
  4. We dated for 3 years in high school, broke up in November of my first year in college.
  5. After about a year of silence, we became friends again and continued our friendship until our Senior year in college where we decided we needed each other again.
  6. After college, we continued to date, but he didn't propose to me right away. He used to have to tell me to "sit down" before he told me news of who was now engaged (wasn't me!)
  7. After 3 (more) years of dating, he proposed to me. It was September 10th (my dad's birthday) and it was an amazing, thought-out proposal that every woman deserves. I still get goosebumps thinking about all he planned out!
  8. We had a big, fun and hot wedding (Church had no air conditioning!)
  9. We honeymooned in Maui and had our first real "married" fight--that didn't take long, did it?? It was silly, but I remember the fight as if it happened yesterday.
  10. We welcomed our first child after being married for 3 years.
  11. We built our first home a few years later and remain there today.
  12. We completed our family two years later when we had our son.
  13. We can finish each other's sentences, make each other mad and laugh in the same conversation.
  14. We are comfortable in silence, but know when it's time to break it...
  15. I know that we love each other more now than we ever did and can't imagine life without each other. We have a great example to look up too--his grandparents celebrated 72 years of marriage eariler this year!


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