
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Happy May Day Treats

Next week starts a new month (and hopefully some warmer weather!). When I was a child, my mom would help us put together May Day baskets and deliver them to our neighbor friends. We would fill the baskets with homemade popcorn, candy and nuts. When we delivered them to our friends, we would put them on the doorstep or front door knob, knock and run! It was fun and such a great memory I have.

A few years ago, we started the same tradition in our family. For our May Day baskets this year, we decided to hand paint some paper to make cones for the baskets. We made some of our BEST EVER POPCORN , tossed in some Skittles, Goldfish Crackers and Craisins and filled them up! We attached a pipe cleaner to the cone and added a little tag. The kids look forward to surprising our neighbor friends again! 

May Day Baskets

Here’s how to assemble: 

Colorful May Day Baskets

Materials Needed:
White Paper
Water Color Paints or other crafting paints
Paint Brushes
Pipe Cleaners
Hole Punch
Tag (optional)

Paint your design on the white paper. I had the kids choose bright colors and do more of an abstract painting. Let dry. Roll into a cone shape and secure with clear scotch tape. Punch holes at the top of the cone for the pipe cleaner handle. Secure pipe cleaner as the hanger. Attach the tag with some ribbon. Fill with your goodies and deliver on May 1st! Have fun!
May Day Baskets

 This post was originally written for You can find it here.


  1. Hi Cindy,

    What a lovely tradition. It's like reverse treat or treating!

    Bye for now,

  2. I enjoy all of your craftines it has helped me to get back into crafting. I love homemade treats, they are always better than store brought! Also, I nominated you for Liebster blog award on my blog.

  3. I'd like to invite you to my Friday Flash Blog, where you can share your best blog entry of the week! The party goes on ALL weekend at And who knows, you may just get featured next week.



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