Did you see my post yesterday about our House Party Super Soaker Party? SO. MUCH. FUN. Check it out here. How about Father's Day--we had absolutely gorgeous weather here in IL for the weekend--it was a busy day, but I got to spend it with all my top pops in my life!
Hailey made her dad breakfast (in bed) for Father's Day. She did this all by herself. I didn't get this for Mother's Day, so I think she likes him more than me. Yes, I have issues!

Here is a picture of me and my dad. This is where I get my silly craziness from.
Hailey loves driving the lawn mower around Nanny & Papa's yard. I remember doing this, too. Only I would be wearing my Walkman!
The loves of my life. Dad and kids. Great pic!
On to my top PINS of the week! Oh, and I've created a special PINTASTIC Friday Board on Pinterest. Be sure you follow it!
Our family loves Nutella. This is on my list to bake! Check out Sally's Baking Addiction for the recipe.
I've been making home cleaners for a few years, but haven't found a good toliet bowl cleaner. Gonna have to try this one by diy Confessions.
Maybe it's the marketing person in me, but I love fonts. Aren't these cute? Go get them over at The Crafting Chicks.
Thank you for joining me. Have a great weekend!
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